Ayurvedic spices therapy
Ayurveda is a complete and traditional system of medicine and healing modality which originated in India.

Ayurveda, translates as the Science of Life (Ayur means Life, Veda means science or knowledge).  It is a complete and traditional system of medicine and healing modality which originated in India. The emphasis in Ayurveda is on prevention of disease and illness through correct knowledge and practise of Dinacharya (daily routine) and Ritucharya (Seasonal routine) as well as knowledge of one’s own Prakruti (unique inherent constitution) and how to maintain its balance. Ayurveda prescribes herbal remedies, external body treatments, diet and lifestyle advice and yoga and meditation, all of which are designed to address the root cause of presenting imbalances in order to restore equilibrium.

Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage is a massage that combines pressure on lymphatic, energetic and chakra points. Abhyanga is the union of the body with hot oil, applying a series of manual movements, rhythms, intensities, postures. The fundamental concept is to prevent. The treatment assists with revitalising the whole body, reducing stress and mental tension, alleviating aches and pains and improving muscle tone and flexibility of the joints. As a whole-body treatment, it is designed to relax the body and mind, releasing blockages to the free flow of energy or prana, in order to restore harmonious functioning to all of the body systems.